Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Exciting News!

On the morning of April 20th, 2015, I found out where I would be spending the next year (well, 10 months) of my life: Lille, France.  After a long silence from my placement program, I was happy to hear that I had gotten into my first choice school!  An hour from Paris and 1.5 hours from London, I'm very excited for the travel possibilities living in Lille will bring.  Charles de Gaulle University (or Lille 3) offers courses in the human sciences taught in both French and English, which drew me to apply. 

I've been given so much information that it is difficult to sift through it all.  I am eager to begin preparing for my trip and somehow fitting my whole life into two suitcases.  The prospect of leaving home for so long is equal parts terrifying and exhilarating.   Here's to hoping culture shock doesn't hit me like a ton of bricks!

I'm already looking forward to seeing friends who live in France, Great Britain, and Switzerland, as well as tracking down my distant family in Italy.  I want to see as many things as possible in the time allotted to me because I know it will seem new and exciting just to be there, but I don't want my time to slip away from me before I experience everything Europe has to offer!

A blog?

Hello, everyone!  I've decided to keep a blog, keeping track of my time leading up to studying abroad and, of course, the trip itself.  I figure this will be a good way to keep everyone up-to-date as well as create a condensed story for me to look back on later in life of my adventures :)